ARMADA vraiement ? precisions :
l’information sur la formation destination de cette Armada a eut lieu le jour meme de l’assaut sur l’Ossetie (7 aout) par (UPI, Middle East Times, Kuwait Times, Debka), avec en point d’orgue la mise en alerte du Koweit...
la petition indique :
Ce déploiement massif intervient au moment où les deux chambres du Congrés se préparent à voter une résolution qui autoriserait le blocus US (considéré comme un acte de guerre selon le droit international).
Or resolution votée deja le 22 Mai :
"These war games were activated shortly after the submission in the US House of Representatives (May 22), of a bill (H CON 362) which called upon the Bush administration to carry out an economic blockade directed against Iran."
Dernier rectificatif en ligne apres dementi US et precisions sur la possible et eventuelle participation française (aviation du Clemenceau ?) a cette armada devenue fantome :
"Naval Blockade" or All Out War Against Iran ?
By Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, August 13, 2008
Author’s Note
Shortly after this article was released on August 13, US military sources as well as Stratfor (a Strategic Studies Think Tank) stated that the various press reports (UPI, Middle East Times, Kuwait Times, Debka) regarding the naval deployment to the Middle East were incorrect.
According to the press reports (see UPI, August 11, 2008), the war ships involved in the "Operation Brimstone" war games off the US North Atlantic coast, had set sail for the Middle East. This information is apparently incorrect, according to the US Navy and Stratfor.
It is worth noting that the Kuwaiti government had activated emergency procedures based on the information pertaining to a major naval deployment in the Persian Gulf.
Based on the movement and location of USS carrier and expeditionary strike forces, the Bush administration has not decided to carry out a naval surge directed against Iran immediately following the conduct of the North Atlantic War Games,
The eventuality of a naval blockade directed against Iran is nonetheless being considered by the Pentagon. In fact, the naval blockade initiative is supported by a bill which was launched in the US Congress in late May. (See below for details).
We have checked the most recent information regarding the movements and location of the various USS Carrier and Expeditionary Strike Groups.
The text first released on August 13 has been revised. Corrections, and updates to the text are indicated.
We will provide further updates and analysis as more information becomes available.
Michel Chossudovsky, August 14, 2008
The Bush administration is envisaging the possibility of launching a naval blockade directed against Iran.
Extensive war games were held off the US Atlantic Coastline under "Operation Brimstone" in late July.
These war games were activated shortly after the submission in the US House of Representatives (May 22), of a bill (H CON 362) which called upon the Bush administration to carry out an economic blockade directed against Iran.
L’explication des evenements d’aout commence a etre exposée :
Remuer le Chien : Comment Dissimuler l’Effondrement Economique Massif
... Quel faire-t-il ? La guerre et les menaces de guerre ont été historiquement utilisées pour égarer la population et fait dévier l’examen minutieux public de la calamité économique. Comme l’arrangement a été résumé dans la caravane au 1997 film « Remue le Chien » —
« Il y a une crise dans la Maison blanche, et épargner l’élection, ils devraient truquent une guerre ».......
Wag the Dog : How to Conceal Massive Economic Collapse
by Ellen Brown
Global Research, August 14, 2008